Sunday, July 17, 2011


I'll admit it, I was a garden pessimist....some of my most unfond childhood memories are of weeding the garden. Yes, I was a lazy kid..or just uninterested or I didn't see the point. Little did I know that like all of those things you don't appreciate when you're a kid, growing a garden became an important thing for me to do. South Texas with its tropical climate is a little different than Idaho so I had to learn when to grow and how to grow and what to grow. Basically, it is so miserably, blazing hot that not much grows in the middle of summer. You plant end of February or you wait until September. We decided to try container or box gardens (orange fencing is to keep dog out, u can see another box next to it that got planted a couple weeks after that) and planted mostly from seed, except our tomatoes and a few herbs. Well, low and behold, it seems I may have a green thumb after all! I surprised myself by growing quite abundantly: cucumbers, tomatoes, zuchinni, parlsey, oregano, basil, cantaloupe, watermelon, chives, red peppers and I mean abundantly. They grew rampant and beautifully! And they did not stop growing! We had cucumbers and zuchinni for every meal :) We decided to plant pumpkins just recently---not sure if they will grow because it is so hot, but we have an entire box garden full of pumpkin blossoms, so I'll keep you posted. What surprised me the most is how excited and motivated I was to yield something from my semi-hard work and a simple seed---there's some symbolism there, right?

1 comment:

  1. We planted a garden this year too. It was my very first experience with gardening. I consider myself a bit of a tomboy but I hate having my fingers in the dirt, eww! Our garden doesn't quite have the variety yours does but I too surprised myself. It was a success. We have cherry tomatoes, carrots, green beans, and cucumbers. Our peas didn't work out too great. I love that you planted some herbs, I might try that next year!
