Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

I took Autumn to register for junior high and I am thinking, I am not old enough to do this. Wasn't it last year that I was registering for JH myself? One thing is for sure: junior high is much different now then when I went. No home ec, no woodshop, no lockers, no smelly, old gym clothes....well, she does have her assigned gym clothes, but they are only 2 years old.

She is registered for all these hard classes, like classes I took in 8th or 9th grade. AP math and english and history and some fun, like intro to art and athletics. I couldn't help but look around at all the other parents. Maybe they were thinking, there is no way I am going to be able to help with homework anymore, or when did my child get taller than me, smarter than me, busier than me? I was just thankful to get in and out with all the paperwork and schedules and agendas. Autumn, of course, was thrilled. This is a pic of her school i.d. that must be worn at all times.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Ear Candling

Yeah, we know it looks weird--it is called ear candling. You buy a special ear candle and light it on fire. It creates a vacuum and draws all the ear wax out. People have been doing it forever. I guess it is a very popular thing to do if you have allergies, if you have swimmer's ear, if your ear hurts, or if you have a lot of ear wax. We decided to try it when Chelsea's ear hurt from being in the pool. It worked like a charm! Her earache went away as soon as we were done. So, Brice was a good sport and let me do it to him too. We decided against showing the picture of what came out of his ear--gross--but effective....