Sunday, August 30, 2009

State Swimming 2009

This year state swimming was in San Antonio, Texas. The state is divided into about 16 regions and each region brings those who qualified from regionals with a first and second place in each event. Autumn qualified first in 50 breast and her relay team qualified first in 200 free. She took second in 50 free, but first was also someone from Mission's team. The 1st and 2nd place cannot be from the same team, so even though her time was better, first and 3rd went for 50 free.

When we got to state, Autumn got a surprise: 3rd place 50 free elected not to come, so Autumn ended up swimming in 3 events. Autumn was fantastic! She took 9th in 50 free, 13th in 50 breast, and her relay team took 6th!!! We really are little fish in a big pond when we come to these events. There are huge schools that compete and for Autumn to place as she did is awesome.

Chelsea wanted a bunny....Chelsea's parent's did not want her to have a bunny. We struck a deal: place in top 3 in her events and she could have a bunny. This really was an unfair deal, kinda sneaky for the parents. We knew the chances of this little green team from Mission, TX to place in top 3 was next to impossible. She did not place in top 3, but she rocked it!

Unfortunately, one of Chelsea's relay members decided not to show up. So, with a substituiton, they had to compete in the 100 medley. Chelsea took 14th in 100 free relay, 16th in 100 medley relay, and Chelsea took 24th in 25 butterfly.

My favorite pic of Chelsea...anxiously, nervously awaiting her 25 fly. She is about half the size of all her competitors and has to work twice as hard, but if she has a goal, she does not give up.
All of the girl's hard work, all summer long, really paid off. After early morning, 1.5 hour practices each day and thousands of laps, and countless tumble turns, and hundreds of pruned fingers and wet towels, these girls made us proud!


  1. great job, autumn and chelsea! looks like you put in a lot of hard work and it really paid off!

  2. They could never do it without loving, supportive parents! Way to go Mom! Did you know cheerleader was in your job description?
