I am behind on the blog thing, been too busy since school started, but for 1/2 a sec, I am sitting at the computer, luxuriously reading other people's blogs and fb posts etc.....and I decided to tell you about the overhead projector. Chelsea had a project to do that included making a outline of the state of Texas that could not be printed from the computer. So, I mentioned to her that it would be great if we had an overhead projector so I could take her original and like "magic", project it onto the wall and we could trace a large replica onto her posterboard. She told me she thought she knew what an overhead projector was, she vaguely remembered one of her earlier elementary teachers using one....Well, lo and behold, our stake center just happened to have one, sitting in the corner of the stake office, collecting dust. We brought it home and did indeed make a great specimen for chelsea's project. She was happy, I was happy in a very nerdy/teacher/eduational way. But, Taggart was FASCINATED! "What is this thing?" "What does it do?" He examined it and touched it and plugged it in, this big clunky piece of ancient school technology. I then attempted to explain what it did, showed him what we could do with it, and explained how when I was in high school and college, my teacher(s) used this "thing" everyday for notes and math problems and lectures....He was confused. "But how does it hook to the computer?" "Don't you plug it into your tv or your computer or you ipod?" "I don't get it." Of course, it made me laugh. Apparently, a little contraption that just plugs into your wall and shines a big light, although fascinating, is just too hard for a 10 year old, computer-generational and technologically advanced kid of 2011 to comprehend!